About Us

Group of people holding hands and praying.

Mission Statement

The mission of Iron House Inc. is to serve those in need of recovery from addiction, alcoholism, and other mental health challenges with love, compassion and Truth as taught by Jesus Christ. We seek to be a light to the community of Southern Colorado and carry this out to the most unapproachable and unreachable among us, meeting them just as they are.

Our namesake comes from Proverbs 27:17 – “As Iron Sharpens Iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his Friend.” (NKJV)  

This Verse is often referred to as something people say to build each other up in our culture today, but two pieces of iron coming together with rough edges and imperfections need time, encouragement, accountability, constructive criticism, and even at times, correction done in love and humility.


People Meeting Communication Talking Counselor Concept

Vision and Beliefs

Our vision is to minister to those in recovery from addiction and alcoholism in Southern Colorado in a tangible and actionable way by creating a vibrant and multi-faceted recovery community organization or “RCO” where people have access to housing, meaningful employment, training, mentorship, guidance, and the ability to locate the resources necessary for them to achieve long-term stability. We believe that The Bible is the infallible Word of God and that it’s living, and powerful. (Hebrew’s 4:12) Our Vision and beliefs for Iron House Inc. come from 1 John 3:18 – “Let us not love in word, neither in tongue: but in deed and in truth.”

Our love for others ought to be gracious, sacrificial, and truthful. We believe that Jesus died for everyone and wants even the most unapproachable and unreachable in our society to have salvation. – For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23/24) and we trust in a living God that commands us to be rich in good works, ready to give, and willing to share. (1 Tim. 6:17/18).

Organizational Values

Love: With Love as the guiding principle behind what we do, it can profoundly influence the way we treat others and share our vision of sharing The Gospel in an actionable and tangible way with everyone we encounter. This further supports our mission and allows us to show up for others and reach them when and where no one else can!

Compassion: We serve all sinners with the compassion taught by Jesus, meeting individuals in their brokenness and walking with them in their suffering in the hopes that our witness to them will help them turn from sin and find a New way of Life.

Holistic Care: We recognize that recovery encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Therefore, we strive to provide comprehensive services that address the whole person.

Fellowship: We foster a welcoming, supportive environment where individuals can form meaningful connections and find a sense of belonging.

Faith: Our faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of our work. We seek to share the hope and love of God with our community and support them in their walk. It is not a requirement to be a Christian to receive any of our recovery support services unless otherwise specified.

Truth: We anchor our work in the eternal truth of God’s Word, the Bible. We do not adhere to worldly definitions of words and ideals such as marriage and sex. We will support any individual from any walk of life regardless of their status, but we absolutely do not affirm anything defined as sin in The Bible and that includes our own!

Collaboration: We partner with other organizations and services to provide comprehensive care and leverage resources for the benefit of those we serve.
Dignity and Respect: We affirm the inherent worth of every person, treating all with kindness, respect, and compassion regardless of their circumstances.